The church is planning to give The Great Controversy book to every household in our part of Baytown (the city is split in three for our church, Baytown United and the Spanish Church). Our third of the city could contain up to 4 or 5 thousand households.
We need to raise $7000 to help in purchasing the books from the Streams of Light International Ministry. These books come with a door bag that fits over the door knob if no one is home and another book. So everyone will receive two books and a church flyer (more on that later).
You can donate anytime at https://adventistgiving.org/donate/ANWFCV, but you'll have to add a category (Streams of Light). Or just wait till Sabbath and donate during church service, just make sure you put your donation in a tithe/offering envelope and mark it for Streams of Light.
This will be a great opportunity for the church to witness to every household in our area. In addition to giving them The Great Controversy, we will offer Bible studies and a church flyer with our church's information (address, phone number and website).
The Streams of Light Ministry will send people to train our teams before being sent out to knock on doors. The Ministry has already identified our area of Baytown and has also divided that portion into smaller areas so we can assign teams to the different portions.
If you have any questions, or you want to volunteer to help plan this enormous event, contact Lisa or Sherri.
If you want to visit the Streams of Light International website, go to https://www.streamsoflight.net.
God bless.