The Encyclopedia of Seventh-Day Adventists went live on July 1st! Check it out at If you are interested in Adventist history this is the site for you.
From the website on Why ESDA? "ESDA is a global church project which aims at completing approximately 8,500 articles with accompanying photographs, media, and original documents. ESDA is a great tool, not only for those seeking to learn more about the church, but also for those looking to witness to others. ESDA Online, the church’s first online reference work, launched on July 1st, 2020. This free online resource will continue indefinitely, to be constantly updated and expanded."
Click on the "FAQ About Adventists" at the left hand side of the website and it will take you to a very interesting page full of numbers and facts about the church (scroll down to get to the chart).
It's all about history, so if you like that sort of thing then I encourage you to check out the site. Here's the launch video for the site.